I'll never h0ld 0n int0 y0ur empty w0rds. (not talking)
y0ur w0rds are th0usand miles away fr0m y0ur deeds.
It d0esn't mean i'm l0nely when i'm al0ne.i'm str0nger! (self-denial)
I'm glad t0 win her heart.new cl0se friend. <3
Naa bai baligyang pus0ng bat0 sa mall 0r sa tindahan?Pa palita k0 bee?!
Contaminated mind. Renew it!
Can mind f0rget what heart can't?
W0w! Ka nice sa m0on! Maka in l0ve!
There's n0thing 0n earth can separate Us Lord.
Remember babe that we're the perect match in Heaven <3