190Friends 151Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
Hello, you've reached a plurk channel that likes to post quite a lot...links, chatter, sarcasm...all flow freely...feel free to mute or change the channel if needed.
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: Unsual Containers for the Patio Garden - I have been on the search for unsual containers for my ...
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Unusual (Affordable )Containers for the Patio Garden: new Gardener to Farmer post
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: Gardening Tip from Garden2Blog - As I mentioned previously, I was a part of the Garden2Blog even...
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Super excited that I will be speaking at EuroAmerican/Proven Winners June Bloom Symposium in San Diego, June 15!
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Skype for Mac has Security Flaw: via Mashable
jeanannvk says
13 years ago 1
Gardener to Farmer: Proven Winners: 2012 Plant Preview - Yesterday, I received a box of the most gorgeous Proven Win...
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Special Good Enough Gardening episode: Reunited and It Feel So Good feat P Allen Smith
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
I have an article May's Green Profit: A Little "Insight" into Facebook Learn how to measure your effectiveness!
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: Visit to P Allen Smith's Garden2Blog Event
jeanannvk says
13 years ago 1
Gardener to Farmer: Storing Carrots in Ground - Every year, I have carrots that aren't harvested before the first fr...