190Friends 151Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
Hello, you've reached a plurk channel that likes to post quite a lot...links, chatter, sarcasm...all flow freely...feel free to mute or change the channel if needed.
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: Dirr Enclopedia Giveaway - When I was awarded the PR contract to represent the new Dirr's Encycl...
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
Hey, check out new post about my crush on Dr. Dirr and how to win a copy of his new Encyclopedia
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
My tawdry love affair...Japanese Maples: A Love Story
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: Japanese Maples: A Love Story - I have a confession. I am in love with a Japanese Maple. Yes, I ...
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: Justin Timberlake, Daryl Hannah and Nicole Richie, Oh My!
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
There's a new Good Enough Gardening 'cast up: Fall Plants: The Aster Alert
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
EMA Awards: Loadin' Up the Truck & Goin' to Beverly I'm headed to Warner Bros with kellogggarden and canarsiebk!
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
Chatting about kale in a guest post on pallensmith 's blog: Kale is a Sneaky Vegetable
jeanannvk says
12 years ago
Gardener to Farmer: EMA Eco-Awards: Loadin' Up the Truck and Goin' to Beverly...
jeanannvk says
13 years ago
Good Enough Gardening Viewer Questions Episode: the girls talk about water retention, Pee Wee Herman and plastic mulch