1Friends 46Fans
male Southampton, Great Britain (UK)
eLearning developer. Passionnate about learning and technology.
Musician, writer, composer, christian (roman catholic)
jeanremy says
14 years ago
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Etre plus écolo et réaliste: devenir végétarien de semaine: lien en anglais
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Being greener AND pragmatic: weekday vegetarian (
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Salesforce vs. Microsoft: software patents are evil:
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Je me sens béni:ma chanson"you will receive power" chanT ce matin. Commentaires:"inspiré par l'Esprit Saint" et "Bien pensé théologiquement"
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Feeling blessed:my song "you will receive power" has been played at mass.Feedback included "inspired by the spirit","theologically spot on".
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Economy as in “the efficient, sparing, or concise use of something”. A new idea:
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Rituals and routine matters to creativity: 25 famous thinker' routines=>
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Worse product ever: jug designed to leak and pour everywhere, just to sell milk bags: I hate it !!
jeanremy says
14 years ago
Wht is Protégé 3 so f#####ing unstable ? And why, WHY doesn't Protégé 4 have a SPARQL query feature ?