What is a TESOL Endorsement?
I am confused what season it is. Fall? Autumn? Winter? Oh that's right it is Spring! As a teacher I take daily attendance and I think it safe to say that Spring has been skipping school!
Rude people are off of my dance card. I don't have the patience or energy to deal!
to get my to do list done before I go out of town on Saturday morning.
chaperoning my high school's prom tomorrow night. It should be a fun evening!
getting my patience pushed to the limits today!
extremely frustrated with iMovie at the moment!
a heavy heart today. My Great Uncle passed away!
This has been the craziest week! Proctoring state assessments, teaching virtual classes, grading millions of papers, graduate school projects, and the yearbook deadline with my students! Must push through...
that the nap I took at 5 p.m. when I got off of work is going to prevent me from sleeping tonight. I was so tired that I slept from 5-8 p.m. What a crazy week it has been and it is only Tuesday!