33Friends 21Fans
female Bay Area, CA, United States
I'm supposed to write something about myself in this box, so I did.

I'm a person that follows directions.
★JediJess★ says
12 years ago 2
my baby girl is FOUR today. Where does the time go?
★JediJess★ shares
12 years ago 2
went shopping today... got new glasses... stunna shades :-)
★JediJess★ shares
12 years ago 1
Happy Valentine's Day (K)
12 years ago 1
i don't get on sl anymore really, but i do check my plurks sometimes because i think my plurk friends are funny and sweet and good people.
★JediJess★ shares
13 years ago
SW:TOR, I'm on Mandalore, named Jestarr, if anyone else is playing :-)
★JediJess★ shares
13 years ago
★JediJess★ says
13 years ago
the older you get, the better you get.... unless you're a banana. (dance)
★JediJess★ shares
13 years ago 2
13 years ago 6
wanna hear a joke about cats??