10Friends 39Fans
male Suisun City, CA, United States
Gay musician/web designer in Northern California.
16 years ago
I'm getting my own FBI file for listening to this show, i'm certain.
16 years ago
Listening to one crazyassed conspiracy theorist on TalkShoe. Just because you CAN have a show doesn't mean you SHOULD.
16 years ago 3
twitter is being a total pain today, surprise surprise. I'm not getting half of the replies. :-( EPIC FAIL TWITTER.
16 years ago
othurme come on over anytime. hilly and i are awake and the rest will be soon.
16 years ago
Snackiepoo is dancing around my living room in her bra and panties. Curious, her right boob is significantly larger and bouncier than left
16 years ago
Need to get motivated enough to get in the shower so we can all go find food and figure out what we're going to do today. Love 3 day weeknds
jestertunes asks
16 years ago
how does everyone keep up with their plurks? stay on the webpage???
16 years ago 4
Just testing out before i go to bed. Like I need another f'n social network tool.
jestertunes asks
16 years ago 3
why can't I remember to update plurk? Don't get it.
jestertunes has
16 years ago 3
to take a shower to get ready for tonight's gig.