90Friends 122Fans
male Magnolia, TX, United States
I am a technology trainer in Magnolia, Texas
Break Away - Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things
jgustin thinks
13 years ago 3
Texas teachers from every district should talk to parents, draft a statement to legislators, and call in sick on one day to deliver it.
jgustin shares
13 years ago
Question from e-mail,"ever hear of software collecting dust?" My answer, "Yes, and there is some that I wish was."
jgustin is
13 years ago 3
Texas Teachers should read Seth Godin's blog about opportunity and Action.tinyurl.com/4hcm9ww especially the quote from MLK
jgustin is
13 years ago
delivering webcams to teachers so Skype can be used to deliver science lessons to a student with severe allergies.I love the happy stuff :-D
14 years ago
Our high school's lib dub video goes viral. CNN wants an interview and Katy Perry wants to see the teacher. THE MHS LIP DUB: FIREWORK
14 years ago
First day of school. What a blessing to have the opportunity to start fresh every year.
14 years ago 1
Have you seen this video Think before you post. www.teachertube.com/view...
14 years ago 1
Saw Erik Wahl at TCEA Friday. He showed this video. Do you see overcoming obstacles or something else? Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
jgustin wonders
14 years ago 6
how many camera angles do you need for a state of the union address?
jgustin thinks
14 years ago 3
that the president is really going after the senate. How many house accomplishments have ended with a glare at the senate side?