34Friends 29Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
Boredom magnet. Oreo-cheese shake lover. Kobe fan. Bookworm (almost but not quite). Graphic novel novice-collector. Pantera and Guns n' Roses worshipper. Art of empty hands practitioner. Dessert addict. PC Gamer. Emulator Hogger.
joewes says
14 years ago
being realistic is the fastest way to mediocrity
joewes is
14 years ago
loving metal again. lalaloove metal music :-))
joewes says
14 years ago
"poets are soldiers that liberate words from the steadfast possession of definition"
joewes says
14 years ago
to eat or not to eat?
joewes says
14 years ago 4
you cannot buy happiness - steal it :-D
joewes says
14 years ago 20
stupid pluto stop orbiting the sun, youre no longer a planet
joewes says
14 years ago
dear buffy, please slay edward
joewes shares
14 years ago 6
joewes shares
14 years ago 6
joewes loves
14 years ago
Blind Guardian. Tolkien-inspired metal music :-D