27Friends 5Fans
male Delhi, India
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#21 : Include a good source of protein (milk, meat, egg, cheese, etc.) at each meal and snack.
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#20 : Cut down on caffeine-containing foods and beverages, citrus and tomato products, and chocolate if these foods cause discomfort.
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#19 : Avoid eating within 3 hours before bedtime. Bedtime snacks can cause gastric acid secretion during the night.
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#18 : Stop eating any food that causes discomfort - even if it tastes nice!!.Eat three small meals and three snacks evenly spaced throughout the day. It is important to avoid periods of hunger or
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#17 : Antacids should be used sparingly or avoided - most antacids contain magnesium and can cause diarrhea.
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#16 : Try not to use any form of aspirin (check those packaging inserts!) ,Painkillers and arthritis medications (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID's) which contain ibuprofen (again, c
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#15 : Quit Smoking - nicotine raises acid levels. Smoking is also known to delay ulcer healing.
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#14 : Try not to drink too much tea or coffee - caffeine raises acid levels.try abstaining from alcohol - it also raises acid levels
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#13 : Monitor other food sources like dairy products, cola beverages, fatty and fried foods, tomato products, and hot spices. Some may be marginally aggravating - you can experiment with these and
11 years ago
Ulcer Diet Tip#12 : Eat three small meals plus three snacks per day. Eat regularly to avoid periods of hunger.