106Friends 64Fans
male Charleston, SC, United States
i'm a funny person....whenever you see me you;d definitely forget your troubles....but i'm definitely a true friend.i'll do anything for my friends!you can talk to me about anything....can even ask me anything and everything under the sun!i'm very n
jonbudz is
12 years ago 4
googoodnight.. friends pls feed my karma thnx hehehe
jonbudz is
12 years ago 12
NY chaster submitted his entry.. (music)
jonbudz is
12 years ago 10
i got a couple of vids wow i am amazed.. :-)
jonbudz is
12 years ago every one again i invite you to be part of chasters song project (sleeping)
jonbudz is
12 years ago 4
im planning to release the chaster song on itunes and im looking for some chasters singer its ur time to shine guys :-)
jonbudz is
12 years ago 1
jonbudz is
12 years ago 4
jonbudz is
12 years ago 2
playing my new song for *&^ (music)
jonbudz is
12 years ago
my karma sucks..:-(
jonbudz is
12 years ago
i want some burbur king bwahahahaha