Know of anyone that will print a sweet canvas bag with a logo for our press VIP giveaway? I'm taking bids.
Diplo tearing it up at Blackberry PlayBook party.
Leaving town already? I have poor geek friends that could utilize your SXSW badge. Inquire here. Gratzi.
Romany Malco hanging out at the Fast Company brunch. #useyourperipherals
The Soldier Thread. Sounds Under Radio. Flipnotics. Rock.
Just low-fived Conan. #awesome
Is this Zuckerberg's sister interviewing Conan? They need a better host. Conan rocks.
Conan O'Brien will be at IFC House at 6pm with Ashton Kutcher if you want to meet them.
It costs more money to be sober at SXSW than it does to be obliterated 24/7. #strangeculture