It's amazing how happy someone makes you feel just by talking to you.
I'm glad I picked up the courage and did what I wanted to do.
Maybe I should just go without over thinking anything.
I don't know if I should go... would you be freaked out by me? I wish I could read minds...
Can't believe this quarter is going to end soon... three more freaking weeks! Hope I can finish ochem lab by next week. That'll be so cool!
事情忙完 小小告ㄧ段落的感覺真好 不過很快又要忙起來了 這個quarter希望能圓滿結束=)
難道是我自認為我很了解你? 變質的友情真的會令人難過
Michael Addition, Malonic Ester, Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis. GoGoGo