287Friends 151Fans
female Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Female, computer addict, online addict, blog addict, etc etc. Love my 7 grand-babies. And I only have 2 kids!!! Love friend,crafts,movies,sci fi,food,etc.
16 years ago
What to do with all that Halloween Candy
joyntheir says
16 years ago 1
Good night all those that can see this. Got to get to bed before the grandkids wake and pile into bed with me.
joyntheir thinks
16 years ago 1
this is kind of fun - watching everyone that can't see it all. Working just fine here (now at least)
16 years ago 2
shouts "NETHEAD can you read me?"
joyntheir thinks
16 years ago 3
Gee - I haven't been here since Oct 20th? Where did the time go?
joyntheir wishes
16 years ago 3
karma wasn't so fickle!
joyntheir wishes
16 years ago 6
she was home so she could play mario on the wii
16 years ago 2
Just lazing around watching Disney Playhouse - the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. A lot different than the Mickey Mouse Club. M I C . .
joyntheir thinks
16 years ago 1
my karma slipped.
16 years ago
Just lazing around watching Disney Playhouse - the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. A lot different than the Mickey Mouse Club. M I C . .