287Friends 151Fans
female Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Female, computer addict, online addict, blog addict, etc etc. Love my 7 grand-babies. And I only have 2 kids!!! Love friend,crafts,movies,sci fi,food,etc.
joyntheir thinks
15 years ago 2
my karma is still going down, but it is higher than the last down I had. (LOL)
15 years ago
Hi all my internet buddies. Hope your day has been productive and satisfying. Joy
joyntheir wonders
15 years ago
how come I haven't plurked for 2 weeks? Oh yeah, I've been moving and getting my house ready to sale.
joyntheir wonders
15 years ago 2
where everyone is. It's too late to shop for Valentines.
15 years ago
Join me on Yahoo friends connect at
15 years ago
N the mid of my mess w/no time to spare, i get the flu - 102 temp last nite. So, in my conscious period, connecting on internet with U.
15 years ago
It is official, put house up for sale, lots to do, fix, clean, pack, computer time will be minimal. See you on the other side.
joyntheir says
15 years ago 2
Guess everyone has gone to bed. Nite everyone
joyntheir says
15 years ago
ooppss. Been gone to long. Karma in the 20's
joyntheir is
15 years ago
getting my house ready to sell.