3Friends 12Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
16 years ago
Unsure whether to kill Nazis in New York, cruise down the streets of Liberty City or act all stealthy in search of mechs.
16 years ago
Those are some real slick parenting skills, taking your 5 year old to an M. Night Shyamalan movie.
16 years ago
As excited as I am about the new iPhone (is it 7/11 yet?), did CNN.com really have to make it its main lead story?
16 years ago
Alright Steve, what's today going to cost me?
16 years ago
Upping the caffeine dosage.
jschuur thinks
16 years ago
he doesn't really need to know how many responses other postings have gotten. Stop telling me!
jschuur asks
16 years ago
what to do with 10.21 Karma. How many points for the free hat?
jschuur thinks
16 years ago
it's a See What's Up In Metal Lately kind of night.
16 years ago
Both Twitter & Amazon down at once == universe about to explode.
16 years ago
:wonders how to turn off tracking of responses from people I'm following.