33Friends 18Fans
male Pittsburgh, PA, United States
apathy [dot] J.T. Sage
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just another crazy theater guy.
J.T.Sage is
16 years ago 2
less than proud of this: cis001.rmu.edu/Localuser...
J.T.Sage is
16 years ago 3
back online at long last. woohoo.
J.T.Sage wants
16 years ago 8
internet back. payday is wed. then i can has fixed home equipment :-)
J.T.Sage is
16 years ago 1
getting some sleep early tonight. (ish) night all!
J.T.Sage wants
16 years ago 10
a "favorite plurkers" feature. because, i often get far behind on the backplurking, and when i only have a few minutes to catch up
J.T.Sage is
16 years ago 4
gonna go to bed at a normal hour. crazy.
J.T.Sage is
16 years ago 12
looking for a blog package. What's new / good?
J.T.Sage says
16 years ago 6
good morning folks!
J.T.Sage says
16 years ago 11
i never do this, but: John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof.