34Friends 52Fans
female Kingston, ON, Canada
Blogger, amateur photographer, geeky girl... I often feel like I have a long way to go and a short time to get there.
julep67 says
15 years ago
it's a lovely, sunny day here today. If it continues like this, we might be able to get into the garden soon
julep67 says
15 years ago
good morning
julep67 says
15 years ago 1
oh well, you can't (or shouldn't) always have what you want
julep67 says
15 years ago 1
I'm at my desk, eating my healthy packed lunch and wishing it had french fries with it
julep67 says
15 years ago
large groups of potential students and their parents are touring campus today.
julep67 says
15 years ago
that foggy feeling is going away and I'm feeling a little smarter right now than I was feeling earlier
julep67 says
15 years ago
I feel a little out of it this morning, I feel clumsy and forgetful
julep67 says
15 years ago
I' m moving kind of slow this morning but still, I'm moving so, yay, right?
julep67 says
15 years ago 3
good morning everyone