Anne <3
54Friends 33Fans
female Milan, Italy

(i'm J-anne Qr (that's not ma true name anyway) sound weird i know. :-)) anyway.. please read my stories, of course written by me.. here ma site:
support by VOTING!
Anne <3
12 years ago 1
karma down. paboast!!
Anne <3
12 years ago 1
Anne <3
12 years ago 2
happy new year plurkers =))
Anne <3 says
12 years ago
your ego will kill you (goodluck)
Anne <3
12 years ago
i don't deserve to cry (tears)
Anne <3 says
12 years ago 1
yehey. mabuhay! :-) karma up :-) (dance)
Anne <3 says
12 years ago 1
Relationships are like Stapling papers together. Easy to attach, But difficult to detach
& even if detached.. they leave a mark.
Anne <3
12 years ago
boost (dance) boost (dance) boost (dance)
Anne <3
12 years ago 1
if nothing lasts forever then, be my nothing =))
Anne <3 shares
12 years ago 1 -----> plurkers. please pafront page =)) salamat.