Samantha Chow
6Friends 3Fans
female Hong Kong
Samantha Chow wonders
14 years ago
to buy or not to buy. (annoyed)
Samantha Chow hates
14 years ago 3
桃園機場是在吵三小喔!!!!!!!氣死我了!!!!!!!! (angry)
Samantha Chow hopes
14 years ago 8
我買了一張2.8倍賭西班牙捧盃的彩劵 。你們今晚要加油。 (rock)
Samantha Chow hates
14 years ago 1
每天都好睏。 (sleeping)
Samantha Chow shares
14 years ago 2
喔,親愛的,我竟然錯過了你的生日, 真是該死。補祝你生日快樂。 (K)
Samantha Chow loves
14 years ago 1
媽呀!!!!上半場太精彩了!!!!!!! (applause)
Samantha Chow wonders
14 years ago 1
駛唔駛咁多人結曬婚阿,真係。 (applause)
Samantha Chow says
14 years ago 4
我也好想像貓一樣癱在床上,悠閒的拍著尾巴。 (sleeping)
Samantha Chow says
14 years ago
今晚10點,英格蘭加油! (goodluck)
Samantha Chow says
14 years ago 1
最近都呈現一種剛放下碗火速又覺得餓的狀態,剛吃完炒米粉+藥燉排骨當宵夜回家,現在又餓了,我是怎麼了? (sick)