29Friends 24Fans
female Stalybridge, Great Britain (UK)
website optimisin, netball playin, red wine drinkin chick from the the UK
kaydee thinks
16 years ago 4
i dont care that my karma dropped while i was spending a week in the sun...honest! (s_angry)
kaydee thinks
16 years ago 3
there should be another filter option to view plurks that you have responded to, that have new responses
kaydee asks
16 years ago 2
does anyone else forget that plurk is not one big chatroom full of people and that not everyone reads the same plurks as you do?
kaydee asks
16 years ago 16
do you consider a day reading, experimenting with social media and online networking as unproductive?
kaydee has
16 years ago 6
just been interviewed for an audio podcast on SEO and is all talked out...for once in her life
16 years ago 2
tip of the day: set up 1 re-usable greetings plurk that you re-use daily....
kaydee shares
16 years ago 3
friend request rejections will lower your karma
kaydee says
16 years ago 18
f*ck plurk for using dictative methods...
kaydee asks
16 years ago 4
is your job also your hobby? or do you just do it for the 'rent'?
16 years ago 1
wonders if karma is affected whenever someone @'s your name