0Friends 8Fans
male Dayton, OH, United States
16 years ago
That's not good. Google Calendar seems to be down (no 404, just a "check back later").
16 years ago
My computer just had a hard crash. I hate waiting for CheckDisk.
16 years ago
Ah, a nice morning in Dayton. Sunny, a little warm for my taste, but nice nevertheless.
16 years ago
My dad and I finally gave up on the partitioning problem we were having. We decided to just use TweakUI.
16 years ago
My brother just bought Flight Simulator X. He's rather excited to play it. It's a really big game (8GB+) so it's a rather extraneous install
16 years ago
I'm nervously hoping that my XP installation works properly with the settings I've configured it with. Part of me says I did it all wrong...
16 years ago
I've spent a good portion of my afternoon with my dad pruning trees and clipping bushes. It wasn't bad, but it could have been less humid.
16 years ago
Why must Microsoft make it so hard to relocate the "Documents and Settings" folder? I'm hacking the registry a little too much for my taste.
16 years ago
"The Knowledge Base (KB) is currently not available." Great going Microsoft. You've got millions of users and you can't keep your support up
16 years ago
I'm having an odd problem with my new hard drive. I've had a drive as primary for years, and now it won't work when it's slave.