17Friends 10Fans
Bloomington, IL, United States
Living Vibrantly! Striving to feel better, live better, be better & help others along the way everyday!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Be nice to people, even if they aren't nice back - you NEVER know what that person may be dealing with that you aren't aware of. SMILE!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
You may think you "sound" really me, you really don't.
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Happy 4th of July friends! We had a small rain and now it's lovely out. Hope it stays that way for the fireworks!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Happy Dad's Day to all the fabulous father's out there. May your day be happy and blessed!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Demarle at Home Call tonight. Someone will earn a FREE kit. Call at 8pm CST - I have to register you -
dontusethis says
14 years ago 1
Praying for all those affected by the tornado's yesterday.
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Happy Saturday!!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Finally starting to feel good again - yay! If you are waiting to hear from me - be patient - I have a ton of stuff to go through now!!!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Happy Valentine's Day! My Valentine is leaving for Dallas for two weeks. BOO!
dontusethis says
14 years ago
Nothing like some good music to lift my spirits when the snow is falling outside - I forget that yucky fact when the music plays.