19Friends 19Fans
female Lusby, MD, United States
Knitter, spinner, crafty-type... find me on Ravelry as kimlevin. Random happiness: the Simpsons, Entrelac knitting, George Carlin, FIBER!, YARN!, (getting excited there), backgammon, coffee & my loose tea collection, reading and my family...
kimlevin76 has
16 years ago
registered Katriel into her first dance class. She is going to be so excited!
kimlevin76 is
16 years ago
going to help friends move today. :-)
kimlevin76 is
16 years ago 1
wrapping her computer at work in trash bags because our department is composed of "hurricane alarmists".
kimlevin76 is
16 years ago
finally able to spend the evening any way she wants. Which will probably mean knitting for a few minutes and an early bedtime. (:
16 years ago
I found bugs in three of my ears of corn tonight... that is friggin' NASTY! (but natural, yeah, I know)
kimlevin76 is
16 years ago
going to continue working the back of the CPH and wait for Obama... :-)
kimlevin76 is
16 years ago 2
losing her plurk mojo. :-(
kimlevin76 is
16 years ago 4
going to cast on her CPH since she can't work today...
kimlevin76 says
16 years ago
My daughter is sick today - no workin' for me...
kimlevin76 says
16 years ago 1
happyneedle: I read your blog post and my heart goes out to you. Actually, it made me cry. I hope Beastie had a wonderful day!