12Friends 5Fans
kishikyo says
15 years ago
so bored~ so bored~ i wan go out~
kishikyo says
15 years ago
kishikyo says
15 years ago
kishikyo wants
15 years ago
to eat ice cream!!!!!
kishikyo wants
15 years ago
ice cream~!
kishikyo wants
15 years ago
a grand piano!!!
kishikyo says
15 years ago
here's a plurk, to prevent my karma form dropping. :-D
kishikyo says
15 years ago
fun fun fun, tired tired tired, busy busy busy ~.~
kishikyo says
15 years ago
NCO camp was damn funny and fun!! xD banzai! overture 1!
kishikyo says
15 years ago
NCO camp today was cool~! xD