18Friends 29Fans
male Westminster, CO, United States
co-founder of conceptbakery and moviebakery, web afficionado, "yes we can" kind of guy, serial typo producer;-)
klaus2go says
16 years ago 2
I NEED to get my Karma above 25 today. I have nothing else to do;-)
klaus2go asks
16 years ago
Can you believe some people are stressing about their delayed iPhone activation with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac going down the drain?
klaus2go feels
16 years ago
for the guys hanging out in front of the Apple store all night. You win. Your price is another coersion contract with ATT.
klaus2go says
16 years ago
Do not watch "A good man is hard to find" - unless you have a real whicked sense of humor and can laugh about horrible acting & directing
klaus2go thinks
16 years ago 2
Another expensive one: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are practically belly up tinyurl.com/6yxx65 That's going to cost a LOT of money...
klaus2go thinks
16 years ago
he needs a break from his Mac. Hitting the Westminster trails for a run.....
klaus2go is
16 years ago 1
Doesn't like that soldiers come back home and all they think about is killing themselves and nobody has a handle on it. PTSD sucks!
klaus2go is
16 years ago
Klaus the Karma pig keeps rising to an astronomical 15.85 ;-)
klaus2go is
16 years ago
A judge in Germany ruled that prisoners do not have a right to use gaming consoles in their cells. No WII/PS3/Xbox ? You're doing hard time
klaus2go is
16 years ago 2
Just posted a rather random list on how less mobility will change some things for us: tinyurl.com/5tfzeh Feedback appreciated...