The Write Stuff
39Friends 8Fans
male Oklahoma City, OK, United States
“Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else.” - Fred Rogers

The Write Stuff
4 months ago 7
[Pets] Long time no Plurk, but I wanted to introduce our new family member, Kaya.
The Write Stuff
1 years ago 6
[TW: Pet death] We said goodbye to Jackson Friday morning.
The Write Stuff
1 years ago 3
<-- Domon / Tanuki Thief. It's beyond time for updates.
The Write Stuff
1 years ago 7
[TotK] vague spoilers
The Write Stuff
1 years ago 23
[TotK] Haven't posted here in a while because life has been insane lately... but had to share some thoughts on the game. I'll mark when the spoilers start, though I'll try to avoid anything major!
The Write Stuff
1 years ago 7
[Zelda] That Tears of the Kingdom trailer...
The Write Stuff
1 years ago 3
Kinda sorta dipping my toe back into RP stuff again and wishing Baker Street was a little more active.
The Write Stuff
2 years ago 10
I've been listening to several really good real play D&D podcasts, and I keep staring at the Renegade Transformers RPG and thinking, "What if?"
The Write Stuff
2 years ago 5
[Animals] The baby bunny we’re currently taking to a rehab center.
The Write Stuff
2 years ago 9
[Writing] Effectively wrote myself into a corner with an ongoing fic...