7Friends 7Fans
kokshengneo needs
15 years ago
better mark in math
kokshengneo wishes
15 years ago
Michael Jackson to R.I.P and continue in a better life when he reincarnate.
kokshengneo wants
15 years ago
to achieve alot for his life. 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青. Like MJ
kokshengneo wonders
15 years ago
what his frens are doing now?
kokshengneo thinks
15 years ago
guan look upon himself to highly-.-
kokshengneo asks
15 years ago
for chamber of sorrows
kokshengneo asks
15 years ago
himself why guan is such a lecturer
kokshengneo wishes
15 years ago
for a dog like momo and baobao
kokshengneo is
15 years ago
going home tomorrow, and the cycle repeats at school. awwwww :'-(
kokshengneo says
15 years ago
byebye to cousin tomorrow