34Friends 56Fans
female San Jose, CA, United States
Once you've come out as a pagan, bisexual, married leatherdyke, everything else in life is that much easier.*

(Okay, so I have a button that says that. It's the best I can do with 250 characters.)

* Allegedly.
15 years ago
just got a transatlantic phone call for her birthday. :-D
K`shandra is
15 years ago
- for some odd reason - not as cranky today about being up early as she was yesterday.
15 years ago
goes to bed.
K`shandra is
15 years ago
home from the BBQ and trying to figure out where the HELL her Bluetooth earpiece went....
15 years ago 4
woke up an hour before her alarm. On a SATURDAY. The day before her BIRTHDAY. This is SO not fair. :-P
K`shandra is
15 years ago 2
home with a fresh coat of purple. :-D
K`shandra is
15 years ago
off for a fresh coat of purple today. Yay!
15 years ago 1
staggers off to bed.
15 years ago 1
bounces - her boyfriend WILL be here for her birthday! (party)
15 years ago 1
discovers why she hasn't gotten an unemployment check in almost a month...and is displeased.