34Friends 56Fans
female San Jose, CA, United States
Once you've come out as a pagan, bisexual, married leatherdyke, everything else in life is that much easier.*

(Okay, so I have a button that says that. It's the best I can do with 250 characters.)

* Allegedly.
K`shandra is
15 years ago 3
poking at the internet and wondering exactly what the hell she did to her eye last night.
K`shandra is
15 years ago 3
spending her day shuttling the husband to and from DMV. (annoyed)
K`shandra is
15 years ago
awake, sort of, after a night out at the bar.
15 years ago 1
just got an unexpected second wave of birthday cards - and presents!
K`shandra is
15 years ago
up from a nap and eating cold leftovers.
K`shandra is
15 years ago
EXCEPTIONALLY grumpy this morning. Interrupted sleep + nightmares while attempting to catch up = FAIL.
15 years ago
succumbs to the Gnap Gnomes.
15 years ago 1
orders a replacement USB cable for her camera, thereby guaranteeing that the missing one will reappear in the next 30 seconds.
15 years ago 1
forgot to take her glasses off before getting in the shower...oops. (LOL)
K`shandra has
15 years ago 1
found an all-mash-up net.radio station. (music) Now playing: Beastie Boys vs. The Beatles - Whatcha Want, Lady?