34Friends 56Fans
female San Jose, CA, United States
Once you've come out as a pagan, bisexual, married leatherdyke, everything else in life is that much easier.*

(Okay, so I have a button that says that. It's the best I can do with 250 characters.)

* Allegedly.
K`shandra is
15 years ago
calling AAA to help her change the damn tire now.
15 years ago
waits for her heart rate to return to normal, post earth-shattering KABOOM. (3-car accident in the left turn lane directly outside our apt.)
15 years ago 6
just went down to her car to discover a flat tire and a cracked windshield. In the same quarter of the car. NOT HAPPY.
K`shandra has
15 years ago
taken acetaminophen and a nap, but neither has shifted the headache.
K`shandra thinks
15 years ago
she may have an incipient migraine. Joy.
K`shandra is
15 years ago 1
now gloriously, luminously, EXQUISITELY purple. (Photos tomorrow, hopefully, once it has the chance to dry fully.)
15 years ago
gets a fresh coat of paint today.
15 years ago
wanders off to bed.
K`shandra is
15 years ago
not looking forward to this weekend - multiple trips to Goodwill and a book cull on the agenda. :-P