"I have a mannequin. I leave it in the guest closet. I do not tell overnight guests. This is lots of fun."
If you like Drum n Bass, I highly recommend Magnetic. I found them years ago, but they're still cool. Available on iTunes Plus too.
Apple Mail has failed me for the last time. Using Thunderbird now. Shame because Mail has some nice plugins.
his allergies to stop bothering him. Damn trees having sex with my sinuses.
Times New Roman. Like, 2 people use it correctly per year. STOP MAKING IT A DEFAULT FONT UGH.
have lasik on Friday. To say I'm excited would be a tremendous understatement.
going to attempt sleeping again.
UT3 runs perfectly on my machine. BFG GeForce 8800 GT OC will do that.
I should take singing lessons before I inflict my singing on anyone else.
the Spore Creature Creator