7Friends 3Fans
female Singapore
kuraila is
14 years ago
SO HAPPY! coz my tablet is working after all the @#!@#@#$%@#%@ abt the sensitivity issues of CS4 n wacom intuo3 =-=
kuraila says
14 years ago
if i m given a chance to slap adobe/wacom, i will slap em D:< $@#$@#$ i will figure out with the driver things again when i wake up...
kuraila says
14 years ago
formatting complete ! time to sleep z_z
kuraila says
14 years ago 6
i guess it is my mia period for that game again :-D bleah... or be on other acc... or other game ~_~
kuraila says
14 years ago
these things always happens.... :\
kuraila says
14 years ago
LOL i have been.... looping the animal crossing OST on my winamp... xD KK SLIDER <3...
kuraila says
14 years ago
ara ara... ._. \(o-o)/
kuraila says
14 years ago
she recycled a number of paper last night by cutting them up into stack of memo pads :-D... save the trees! \o\ \o/ /o/
kuraila is
14 years ago
slacking in her room ... listening to animal crossing Wild World ... oh so peaceful!
kuraila says
14 years ago
hahaha i saw this comment "You know if this was a hollywood movie, Jim Carrey would be the perfect role for Freakazoid " so true!