0Friends 11Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Dual monitor support is not as difficult as I made it out to be in Ubuntu. DM FTW!!!
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
How long until America is sick of broken promises? Until there are riots in the streets?
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Remember - the first rule about Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Oh, Ubuntu, how I love thee. Let me count the ways...
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Faith. Hope. Charity
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
our leaders in DC have failed America yet again. Throw all the bums out (both parties). when do the protests start, i'm coming....
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Is there anybody left after today planning to retire in the next...say...50 yrs?
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Bowling. Strolling. Rolling. Kurt Greiner Long Tail Enterprises LLC ping.fm/qrOAc
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want... - RP
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Deregulation. Consternation. Broken Nation.