1Friends 1Fans
female San Jose, CA, United States
kustomkitten says
14 years ago
bummer. I thought we were onto something. (unsure)
kustomkitten says
14 years ago
I just bit my tongue so hard it's bleedin'! (tears)
kustomkitten says
14 years ago
keep your bad mood to yourself! I don't know what happened to you today, but I didn't do it! X-(
kustomkitten is
14 years ago
winning, but I want a REALLY GOOD prize. yes, I am very thankful for everything I have won so far :-)
kustomkitten wants
14 years ago
to win BIG!
kustomkitten wants
14 years ago
to call, but I don't want to be a bug.
kustomkitten wonders
14 years ago
if I could make last night's dream come true???
kustomkitten wants
14 years ago
to know how I can get him to change his mind??
kustomkitten is
14 years ago
waiting for This is England 86, episode 3 to appear online somewhere so I can watch it before I go to sleep!
kustomkitten likes
14 years ago
someone :-)