25Friends 23Fans
male Ventura, CA, United States
Husband and father of twin girls. Interests would be Lakers basketball as well as gaming (xbox 360 with lakeshow as my gamertag) and frolicking all bout the internets.
lakeshow says
15 years ago
Going to try to finish this horrible destroy all humans game today. The things I do for achievement points.
lakeshow says
15 years ago
Been playing destroy all humans for 3 days on xbox 360. The things I do for achievement points.
lakeshow says
15 years ago
both kids are sick, sure I'm going to be next.
lakeshow is
15 years ago 1
settling in for an awesome night of tv. 24, House, Saving Grace, Medium among others I need to catch up on.
lakeshow says
15 years ago
love wednesday night television. Lost and Damages coming up tonight.
15 years ago 1
Gotta get through 4 dollhouse episodes to get to this game changing episode I've been hearing about.
lakeshow says
15 years ago
Boy, I've had nothing to say for days. My life must be boring.
15 years ago
Must avoid all BSG spoilers until tonight. Going dark until after work and the kids are asleep.
lakeshow says
15 years ago
Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone! Go Green.
15 years ago
Awesome How I Met Your Mother tonight. Nearly the best of this season I think.