40Friends 144Fans
female Kansas City, MO, United States
musician, knitter, librarian, musicologist, singer, pianist
lauragayle on Ravelry
blog is: Knitting Cybrarian
lauragayle says
14 years ago
some days are like that
lauragayle says
14 years ago 4
Thursday. Awake. Coffee. Crazy week. Not done with it yet!
lauragayle will
14 years ago 1
will not be able to really respond to work e-mail and phone much until Monday.
lauragayle says
14 years ago
in a meeting all day today and tomorrow outside of the library. aside from teaching class tomorrow.
lauragayle says
14 years ago 2
Saturday. Ahhh.
14 years ago
to the neighbor who pushed me out of the snow this morning: thank you! Bless you and yours!
14 years ago 1
at work. made it through class. just a few more hours.
14 years ago
at work. feet are finally warm.
15 years ago 2
red in the morning, sailors take warning!
15 years ago
"laura, someone's talking to you! can I still get coffee?" yeah, good thing the mic is off.