40Friends 144Fans
female Kansas City, MO, United States
musician, knitter, librarian, musicologist, singer, pianist
lauragayle on Ravelry
blog is: Knitting Cybrarian
lauragayle says
14 years ago 1
With j @ home depot. Time flies @ target but not here today!
lauragayle says
14 years ago 1
Momentary panic. Got meeting request for big meeting. 1st glance thought was today. Actually 8/19. Same day of month,diff month. Whew.
lauragayle says
14 years ago
Tummy not so happy. :-(
lauragayle says
14 years ago
Home. yay!
lauragayle says
14 years ago 1
Enjoying nature - sitting on the deck with Her Highness.
lauragayle says
14 years ago 1
Just love when gay men call me sweetheart
lauragayle says
14 years ago
Beautiful late afternoon/early evening out on the deck w/ Blvd Lunar Ale and Her Highness.
lauragayle says
14 years ago
Gratified to find my gauge is spot on for this little dress for my nieceling.
lauragayle says
14 years ago 1
Zarda bbq smoking @ neighborhood grocery. Yum!
lauragayle says
14 years ago 3
Argh! Why are computers so slow when you want them to be fast?