12Friends 9Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
Everything reminds me of you, but why aren't you beside me anymore? Didn't we promise to be together forever?

Loving someone means giving that person the power to hurt you like no one else can.
freyalicious is
15 years ago
off to lala land. good night y'all.
15 years ago
off to bed. nyt.
freyalicious is
15 years ago
mentally exhausted. off to bed. nyt.
freyalicious is
15 years ago
too lazy to read.
freyalicious will
15 years ago
come back later. (bye)
freyalicious is
15 years ago
doing her botany exercises.
15 years ago
15 years ago
off to bed. mornyt.
freyalicious is
15 years ago
drinking tea.