22Friends 19Fans
female Ghent, Belgium
me? just have a guess..
nothing so special.
yet can surprise you, a lot. :-)
16 years ago 2
can't stop smiling. YOU! you're responsible for all this!!! (LOL)
16 years ago
wake up with a bizarre feeling in my stomach this morning.......... (s_music)
16 years ago 2
just got a call. surprisingly! (woot)
16 years ago
didn't write anything till now. instead, i finished FRIENDS 10th season. final season. final episode. the final. huhuhuhuhuhu... :'-(
16 years ago
males banget beberes kamar baru. ups, ralat, kamar lama yang baru ditempati kembali. hihihi
.ML. is
16 years ago 2
back in Belgium.
.ML. is
16 years ago 1
kinda sad to leave this small lovely town................. :'-(
.ML. is
16 years ago
going to meet my supervisor. hayaaaaaaaaaahhh... blm ngerjain apa2 nih bossss :-(
16 years ago 1
sakit punggung kudu ngosongin kamar..... :-& besok balik belgieeeeeee :-))
16 years ago
reached the final season of FRIENDS. and oh btw, Rachel and Joeyyy??? (s_cozy)finallyyyyyyyyyyyyy