So weird!!!! I can't type in chinese in any website!!!!!!!!!! okay,it's time to practice english LOL
急需不要的黑色電腦鍵盤和兩副黑色滑鼠一副,壞掉或很舊都沒有關係!拜託了> <(safari中打壞了,只能先打在word再複製貼上= = )
房間充滿鐵絲 窗台擺滿待乾保麗膠 桌上散滿講義 腦中卻什麼都沒有
can't help but relieve stress by myself
offer acceptance form終於下來了><
I should try hard to calm down on purpose, because I won't be here in the near future. Sometimes,it's difficult and brings sad feeling.