1Friends 11Fans
male Riverside, CA, United States
lifespring says
13 years ago
Today I'm a video editor. I'll be posting some cool footage of a recent Bryan_Duncan rehearsal soon.
lifespring says
13 years ago
Lifespring! interview. A woman's story of betrayal, violence, human trafficking and God's restoring power. budurl.com/ls204
lifespring says
13 years ago
Lifespring! interview with Ellie Collins. True story of betrayal, violence, and God's restoring power. budurl.com/ls204
lifespring says
13 years ago
Can't give details, but let it be known that GOD STILL DOES MIRACLES! He gave the Lovely Lady LeeAnn and I a HUGE miracle today!!!
lifespring says
13 years ago
Busy day. Entering Feb sales on 1 computer, encoding an INCREDIBLE interview for Lifespring! show on another, & Bryan_Duncan here in 1 hour
lifespring says
13 years ago
Your phone's photos may be giving away your child's location to predators. budurl.com/b8qd
lifespring says
13 years ago
Geek that I am, I'm excited to see that WordPress 3.1 is out. *Busy* geek that I am, I'll let others find the bugs before I upgrade my sites
lifespring says
13 years ago
Getting ready to head off to TBN with Bryan_Duncan.
lifespring says
13 years ago
I love this product! The last password you will ever need: LastPass. budurl.com/xsxd
lifespring says
13 years ago
Story behind "It Is Well With My Soul" is heartbreaking. Telling it this a.m. @ church. Hear my short show about it: budurl.com/iiw1