20Friends 20Fans
female Portland, ME, United States
I am a mom of 4, pet owner of 3, Zazzler, Squidooer, & new to creating my own clipart
SnowLily says
12 years ago 1
On a happier note....its a beautiful sunny day
SnowLily says
12 years ago 1
(tears) dishwasher quit this morning. Hope its an easy fix
SnowLily says
12 years ago 1
flu shot today (annoyed)
SnowLily says
12 years ago 1
Yay! Netflix finally added season 7 of Supernatural!
SnowLily says
12 years ago 2
SnowLily says
12 years ago 2
School keeping us busy. Three open houses over the last two days, school movie night tonight, visiting place for oldest that will help...
SnowLily says
12 years ago
spent the day shopping with dh. We've signed up for a rec. center membership and needed some gym clothes. :-))
SnowLily says
12 years ago
Oh my! The day is over and I didn't even check in. Have had almost no plurk time lately :-(
SnowLily says
12 years ago 1
Caffienated hot chocolate
SnowLily says
12 years ago 1
I should sort through all of my yarn today. That's always fun