my karma only 41.65!walao...drop so much~
what the hell?!karma still drop !
敢scold me bt nt dare pick up~
i call the girl who scold me d..she not dare pick up~
~就算是Believe中間還是有個 lie。
~ 就算是Friend 最後還是會有個 end
~ 就算是Lover 最後還是會 over。
~ 就算是forget 也要先 get才行。
~ 就算有個wife 心裡也要假設 if。
they say my sejarah take E~what the hell?so stupid m i~
my result no good...lucky my mama dun want go skul help me take...abo i really die~
what the karma keep drop~
what the f@#k?!gt a girl scold me.....cnt forgive that girl!
Oh MY Gosh~my karma drop le....what the hell...