6Friends 10Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
I'm short.
And Jewish.
And I love books.

littleyellowsubmarine thinks
16 years ago 16
the song "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness is the bees knees.
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago 9
inlove with
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago
still reeling from my utter retardedness last night. Good morning, Plurkers and Plurkettes!
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago
Suitable-guy-retardent. >_<
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago 28
about to see Tropic Thunder. Idk how I feel about that. :p How is everyone? I have an hour 'till it starts.
littleyellowsubmarine hates
16 years ago 9
when grown men I don't know cuss freely infront of me. I'm little..I have child-like ears!
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago 1
so completely ready to see Tropic Thunder with the cute boy at the screening tonight. I love Los Angeles! ;-)
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago 3
running out of things to say. G'night!
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago 24
so outrageously confused it isn't funny. :-&
littleyellowsubmarine is
16 years ago
so outrageously confused it isn't even funny.