36Friends 53Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
My feels and My thought...

My albums,
lee hates
15 years ago 3
lee says
15 years ago 2
The matter of me yesterday is trying to make the PHONE DOWN! How a demonlic job! (devil)
lee says
15 years ago 2
重建家園,讓愛蔓延 我看半天看不出來這個無名的外拍活動和「重建家園」有什麼關係? 有沒有高人可以指點一下
lee says
15 years ago 1
Woops! Only 6 hrs left to sleep....
lee says
15 years ago 2
零秒出手第十集看到太囧了...除了大妝的女主角正到飛天之外,有些梗的設定真的很不能接受啊! (呼~ 應該沒爆到雷 (headspin))
lee says
15 years ago
Since receiving birthday cards is impossible, I planned to send "inverted" birthday cards to whom they might send me cards
lee says
15 years ago
lee says
15 years ago
I almost broke my rule a moment ago, because I set a rule for myself this week that a chinese plurk must follow an english plurk. (LOL)
15 years ago 3
幫我點播 白白的
lee says
15 years ago
Buzer Beat EP.10 **FINAL** is coming, in my estimation, it will finishing download this light, and then I could watch it tomorrow morning!