24Friends 154Fans
female Hempstead, NY, United States
Here's more from yours truly: www.ilikeloofahs.blogspot.com
loofahlover says
14 years ago
this is why u should buy the Bar-T.
loofahlover says
14 years ago
this is retarded.
loofahlover says
14 years ago
i love how every student on the weekend shopping bus is Asian.
loofahlover says
14 years ago
your rhinestone eyes are like diamonds in the sky.
loofahlover says
14 years ago
Happy Passover!
14 years ago 1
ate a slice of cake b4 my workout :S But i was gonna eat it anyway... Before or after workout more optimal?
loofahlover says
14 years ago 3
1 of my better qualities that im proud of: I'm good at organizing outings :-)
loofahlover is
14 years ago
waiting for the hourly morning LIRR. That's the only pain about coming to the city. But it's pretty worth it.
loofahlover says
14 years ago 1
nom... Jamaican beef patty. Almost as good as karipap :-)
loofahlover hates
14 years ago 2
fire alarms.