24Friends 154Fans
female Hempstead, NY, United States
Here's more from yours truly: www.ilikeloofahs.blogspot.com
loofahlover is
14 years ago
stressed about fees. Why do my parents always put me through life strains i shouldnt have to worry about?
14 years ago
just finished watching Gremlins. I want Gizmo as my pet!
14 years ago
had another awesome weekend. What fares during this week of classes?
loofahlover is
14 years ago
off to the city to make use of my free NYC ballet pass :-)
loofahlover is
14 years ago 1
digging up scandal on US Presidents.
loofahlover is
14 years ago 5
checking out cute Jewish boy sitting across the room. Actions r mutual.
loofahlover is
14 years ago 3
dying in class. To go to work after this, or back to bed? Thinking of the incentive of pay.
loofahlover is
14 years ago 1
eating a vegetable wrap w hummus & reading gossip updates from the sis. Tis a good start to the day:-)
loofahlover feels
14 years ago
extremely good upon finishing my American Politics assignment. (drinking)
loofahlover will
14 years ago 4
soon be going home sweet home after a year's absence. Sis is exhilarated.