how much pressure Obama will get, when he's the president of USA! not easy I bet
Everyone to check out Halloween Costume of Heidi Klum.... Incredible!!!
McCain pilih Palin as VP : keputusan yg fundementaly unresponsible! nggak pikirin negara, cuma kemenangan pribadi.
PEMILU USA udah deket. deg-deg-an banget!! Poll Informal... Obama angkanya tinggi!
to ANTHES: God will make a way, when there seems to be no way. Trust His Love&Heart. He is able, even in the most impossible situation.
tgl 8 Nov = Kelly Clarkson Concert.... sooo can't wait!!
kapan bisa kurus?? udah turun 4kg, naik lagi 5kg. Lemes *sighhh* tak manjur jaga makanan ajah. musti LARI PAGI. tapi suhu minus 4C euyy
about pake kuteks.... tapi kok sepertinya nggak ada waktu dan males yahh.... hiks
Bill so much more, cause he is willing to drive (3hrs return trip) to Museum for my extra credit geology class.
TO ARANOLEIN : please accept my friends request.... (recommend from KleiNebeer)