107Friends 48Fans
female Los Angeles, CA, United States
mrscastillo says
15 years ago
good to know that my fam got my back. thanks loved ones!
mrscastillo says
15 years ago
another sleepness night for me. why does problems doesn't want to leave me alone. (angry)
mrscastillo needs
15 years ago
to relax and clear her mind.
15 years ago 3
[another plurk then i'll leave plurk alone]: for 2nights in a row, i didn't sleep well.
15 years ago
got things to blog but would rather keep it in private -- as in not blog it at all. but i might change my mind. who knows.
15 years ago 12
needs to find $ for mrcastillo's ear therapy/operation.
mrscastillo says
15 years ago
i wish he's ok..
15 years ago 4
toper is being stubborn again. (tears)
15 years ago 1
almost cried while working. memories flashed back.
mrscastillo is
15 years ago 2
hungry. again.